Board Committees

Finance Committee

Three members of the Board: Stuart Laney, Chairman; James Buchanan and Kevin Tice.

To review the Board’s finances and accounting reports and records; to review the State Auditor’s annual report; to review general fund and capital budgets and recommend annual fees to fund these budgets; to review proposed budget adjustments; to review and recommend staff salaries and benefits; to review and evaluate office equipment and improvements needs; to make recommendations to the Board on all matters of finance; and to perform any other Board assignment in the area of finances.

Rules Committee

Three members of the Board: Jeff Tracey, Chairman; Dr. Christopher Horne and Dan Post.

To periodically review the Board’s general rules and regulations and the Board’s rules and regulations for special restricted license classifications and to develop and recommend amendments to existing rules or new rules deemed necessary for the Board’s implementation and administration of the North Carolina Electrical Contracting Licensing Act.

Examinations Committee

Three members of the Board: Joseph Starling, Chairman; Stuart Laney, and Dr. Christopher Horne.

To develop examination specifications, scope and questions for the various classifications of examinations; to develop examination administration and grading procedures; to review and evaluate all examination content and materials; to evaluate the examination programs of other states; to review and recommend for Board approval all examinations to be administered by the Board; and to perform any other Board assignment in the area of examinations.

Disciplinary Committee

Two members of the Board: Dan Post, Chairman and Joseph Starling.

To review and make preliminary determinations of charges of violations presented to the committee by staff; to recommend that charges be dismissed as unfounded or trivial; to issue notices of violations, including reprimands and assessments of civil penalties; to recommend to the Board that civil or other penalties be imposed or that compromises be accepted; and to perform any other Board assignment in the area of disciplinary matters.

Application & Continuing Education Committee

Three members of the Board: James Buchanan, Chairman; Kevin Tice and Jeff Tracey.

APPLICATIONS: To review and evaluate questionable applications for examinations and/or licenses, including appeals from any applicant dissatisfied with any decision of the Board’s staff regarding such applicant’s application; and to perform any other Board assignment in the area of examination or license applications.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: To periodically review the Board’s rules and policies for continuing education and to develop and recommend amendments to existing rules and policies or new rules and policies deemed necessary to administer the Board’s continuing education program.

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505 N. Greenfield Parkway, Suite 100, Garner, NC 27529


(800) 691-8399