About Us

Our Mission

To protect the life, health and property of the public through examination of applicants, education of licensees and discipline of individuals to promote quality electrical contracting in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 87-Article 4.


Our Organization

The State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors is the State agency responsible for the administration and regulation of electrical contracting within the State of North Carolina. The Board reviews applications, administers examinations, certifies qualified individuals, issues licenses, and regulates persons engaging in electrical contracting within the State.

The Board is composed of seven members who serve staggered seven-year terms. The members consist of one member from the North Carolina Department of Insurance designated by the Commissioner of Insurance; one electrical contractor member representative of the North Carolina Association of Electrical Contractors designated by the governing body of that organization; and five members appointed by the Governor: one from the faculty of The Greater University of North Carolina (now a university within NC) who teaches or does research in the field of electrical engineering, one who is serving as a chief electrical inspector of a municipality or county in North Carolina, one electrical contractor member representative of the Carolinas Electrical Contractors Association, and two public members.

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505 N. Greenfield Parkway, Suite 100, Garner, NC 27529


(800) 691-8399