Section .0200


.0209. FEES


(a) To take an examination in any electrical contracting license classification, the applicant must:

(1) be at least 18 years of age;

(2) submit the required duly filed application as defined in Rule .0210;

(3) submit with the application written statements from at least two persons attesting to the applicant’s good character; and

(4) meet any other requirements set out in Paragraph (b) of this Rule.

(b) Examination applicants must meet the following requirements for the specified license classifications:

(1) Limited classification. An applicant must have at least two years of experience, as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience.  The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.

(2) Intermediate classification. An applicant must have at least four years of experience as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least two and one half years shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.

(3) Unlimited classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least five years of experience, as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least four years shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.

(B) Submit with the application written statements from at least two persons, who are knowledgeable of the applicant’s electrical experience, attesting to the applicant’s ability to supervise and direct all electrical wiring or electrical installation work done by an electrical contracting business in the unlimited classification.

(4) Single family detached residential dwelling (SP-SFD) classification. An applicant must have at least two years of experience, as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.

(5) Special restricted fire alarm/low voltage (SP-FA/LV) classification. An applicant must have at least two years of experience,  as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience.   The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.  An applicant in this classification may also receive creditable experience for service in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the low voltage field.

(6) Special restricted elevator (SP-EL) classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least two years of experience, as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary

experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both. An applicant in this classification may also

receive creditable experience for service in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the

elevator field, and;

(B) include on the application information verifying that the applicant is primarily engaged in, or is regularly employed by and

will be the listed qualified individual for a firm that is primarily engaged in the elevator field.

(7) Special restricted plumbing and heating (SP-PH) classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least two years of experience,  as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.  An applicant in this classification may also receive creditable experience for service in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the plumbing, heating or air conditioning field.

(B) include on the application information verifying that the applicant is primarily engaged in, or is regularly employed by and will be the listed qualified individual for a firm that is primarily engaged in, a lawful plumbing, heating or air conditioning business in this State.

(8) Special restricted ground water pump (SP-WP) classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least two years of experience,  as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both. An applicant in this classification may also receive creditable experience for service in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the ground water pump field, and

(B) include on the application information verifying that the applicant is primarily engaged in, or is regularly employed by and will be the listed qualified individual for a firm that is primarily engaged in, a lawful ground water pump business in this State.

(9) Special restricted electric sign (SP-ES) classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least two years of experience,  as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience. The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both. An applicant in this classification may also receive creditable experience in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the electric sign field, and

(B) include on the application information verifying that the applicant is primarily engaged in, or is regularly employed by and will be the listed qualified individual for a firm that is primarily engaged in, a lawful electric sign business in this State.

(10) Special restricted swimming pool (SP-SP) classification. An applicant must:

(A) have at least two years of experience,  as defined in Rule .0202 of this Section, of which at least one year shall be primary experience.   The balance of experience may be primary, secondary or both.  An applicant in this classification may also receive creditable experience for service in any of the capacities listed in Rule .0202 that the applicant gained in the swimming pool field, and;

(B) include on the application information verifying that the applicant is primarily engaged in, or is regularly employed by and will be the listed qualified individual for a firm that is primarily engaged in, a lawful swimming pool business in this State.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4; 87-44;
Eff. October 1, 1988; Amended Eff. October 1, 2017; January 1, 2010; March 1, 1999; February 1, 1990.


(a) Primary. As used in this Chapter, primary experience means working experience gained by the applicant while engaged directly in the installation of electrical wiring and equipment governed by the National Electrical Code or work activities directly related thereto. Examples of the capacity in which a person may work in gaining primary experience and the percentages for creditable primary experience are as follows:

In calculating accumulative primary experience, a total of 2,000 hours shall equal one creditable year. The total number of creditable years shall be calculated by dividing the total hours of primary experience by 2,000. Example: Applicant has worked in primary capacity for a total of 7,200 hours of primary experience.

  1. journeyman electrician or electrician mechanic, both meaning the same: 100%
  2. electrical foreman:    100%
  3. electrical general foreman:    100%
  4. electrical superintendent: 100%
  5. electrical general superintendent: 100%
  6. estimator for licensed electrical contractor: 100 %
  7. electrical inspector recognized as such by the State Department of Insurance: 100 %
  8. time spent by a professional engineer who is responsible for follow-up project supervision, beyond the point of delivery, in electrical engineering,  design, or consulting: 100%
  9. full-time instructor teaching National Electrical Code, NFPA 72 and related electrical courses at a college, university, community college, technical institute, high school or vocational school: 80%
  10. maintenance journeyman electrician or electrician mechanic employed in a full-time electrical maintenance department: 100%
  11. time actually spent in electrical maintenance by a maintenance journeyman electrician or electrician mechanic regularly employed in other than a full-time electrical maintenance department: 100%
  12. military person holding an electrician rating or rank of at least E-4 who is engaged in land based electrical installations similar or equivalent to work performed by an electrical contractor: 100%
  13. electrical installations similar or equivalent to work performed by an electrical contractor:  100%
  14. time actually spent in part-time or incidental work in any primary experience category:    100%
  15. time actually spent installing or maintaining fire alarm/low voltage systems: 100%
  16. time as a holder of NICET certification on NFPA 72 Level I, II, III or IV applicable to Fire Alarm-Low Voltage only: 100%

7,200  = 3.6 years creditable primary work experience

(b) Secondary. As used in this Chapter, secondary experience means working experience gained while engaged in work or training that is related to the installation of electrical wiring and equipment governed by the National Electrical Code. Examples of the type of work or training in which a person may engage to gain creditable secondary experience and the percentages for creditable secondary experience are as follows:

  1. apprentice electrician training in an apprentice program approved by the North Carolina Department of Labor: 100%
  2. time spent as an apprentice electrician or helper other than as described in subparagraph (1) and (3) of this paragraph: 80%
  3. time actually spent in electrical maintenance by a maintenance apprentice or electrician helper regularly employed in other than a full-time electrical maintenance department: 80%
  4. student satisfactorily completing National Electrical Code and related electrical courses at a college, university, community college, technical institute, high school or vocational school: 50%
  5. time spent by a professional engineer who is not responsible for follow-up project supervision, beyond the point of delivery, in electrical engineering, design, or consulting: 50%
  6. electrical construction design under the supervision of a professional engineer: 50%
  7. sales representative for an electrical wholesaler, distributor, or manufacturer: 20%
  8. appliance service and repair: 20%
  9. electric utility lineman; and: 10%
  10. electric utility serviceman: 20%

In calculating accumulative secondary experience, a total of 2,000 hours shall equal one creditable year.  The total number of creditable years shall be calculated by applying the percentage for creditable secondary experience and dividing the remainder hours by 2,000.  Example:  Applicant has 1,000 hours of work experience as a helper or regular apprentice and 2,200 hours of experience while enrolled in an approved apprentice training program: 1,000 hours at 80 percent = 800 hours secondary experience; 2,200 hours at 100 percent = 2,200 hours secondary experience;

2,200 + 800  = 1.5 years of creditable secondary experience

(c) Other Experience. The Board shall approve other experience that it finds to be equivalent or similar to the primary or secondary experience defined in this Rule.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4;
Eff. October 1, 1988; Amended Eff. October 1, 2017; January 1, 2010; March 1, 1999.


(a) General. In addition to the examination subjects specified in G.S. 87-42, qualifying examinations for each license classification shall include permit and inspection requirements, business practices and the North Carolina statutes and rules applicable to electrical contracting.

(b) Variation in Scope. The examinations for each license classification shall be based on a level of technical and practical knowledge concerning the safe and proper installation of electrical work and equipment that corresponds to the electrical contracting work authorized under each license classification.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4;
Eff. October 1, 1988; Amended Eff. March 1, 1999; April 1, 1993.


(a)  All qualifying examinations administered by the Board for each license classification shall be written or computer-based examinations and must be taken personally by the approved applicant after the applicant has met the requirement for examination contained in the rules in this Subchapter.

(b)  Upon approval of an applicant pursuant to these Rules, the Board shall provide the applicant a notice of examination eligibility that shall be valid for a period of three months and for a single administration of the qualifying examination.  Upon receipt of a notice of examination eligibility from the Board, the applicant shall schedule the examination by contacting the Board or the authorized testing service.  The applicant shall be scheduled for the examination, by the Board and the Board or authorized testing service will confirm the date, time and place.

(c)  A minimum grade of 70 out of a possible score of 100 is required in order to pass any qualifying examination administered by the Board.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4;
Eff. October 1, 1988;
Temporary Amended Eff. August 31, 2001.
Amended Eff. October 1, 2017; July 1, 2011; January 1, 2006; July 18, 2002.


History Note:   Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4; 87-44;
Eff. October 1, 1988;
Amended Eff. August 1, 1999 (Rule .0208); February 1, 1996 (Rule .0207); April 1, 1993 (Rule .0206);
February 1, 1990 (Rule .0208);
Temporary Amendment Eff. August 31, 2001;
Repealed Eff. July 1, 2011.

.0209. FEES

(a)  The application and examination fee for qualifying examinations shall be ninety dollars ($90.00) for all classifications.

(b)  The fee for review of a failed examination is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).  All reviews are supervised by the Board or staff.

(c)  The examination fees for examinations in all classifications and the fees for examination reviews shall be in the form of cash, check, money order, Visa, or Mastercard made payable to the Board and shall accompany the respective applications when filed with the Board.

(d)  Examination fees received with applications filed for qualifying examinations shall be retained by the Board unless:

(1) an application is not filed as prescribed in Rule .0210 of this Section, in which case the examination fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) shall be returned and application shall be returned; or

(2) the applicant does not take the examination during the period for which application was made, files a written request for a refund setting out extenuating circumstances, and the Board finds extenuating circumstances.

(e)  Examination review fees are non-refundable unless the applicant does not take the review files a written request for a refund setting out extenuating circumstance, and the Board finds extenuating circumstances.

(f)  Any fee retained by the Board shall not be creditable toward the payment of any future examination fee or examination review.

(g)  Extenuating circumstances for the purposes of Paragraphs (d)(2) and (e) of this Rule are the applicant’s illness, bodily injury or death, or death of the applicant’s spouse, child, parent,  or sibling, or a breakdown of the applicant’s transportation to the designated site of the examination or examination review.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4; 87-44;
Eff. October 1, 1988;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2016; May 1, 1998; July 1, 1989;
Temporary Amendment Eff. June 30, 2000;
Temporary Amended Eff. August 31, 2001;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2011; January 1, 2008; December 4, 2002.


Examinations applications are considered as duly filed when the applicant has filed an application with the Board, on a form provided by the Board, together with the examination fee as prescribed in Rule .0209 of this Section and information sufficient to meet the minimum examination requirements applicable to the classification involved.  By filing an application with the Board, an applicant authorizes the Board or the Board’s staff to verify, in any manner the Board or staff deems necessary and appropriate, the information submitted on or in support of his application.  The Board or staff shall determine whether applications are duly filed, process all applications, and return all applications not duly filed.

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4; 87-44;
Eff. October 1, 1988;
Temporary Amended Eff. August 31, 2001;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2011; July 18, 2002.


(a) A person who fails a qualifying examination shall not be eligible to take another examination in the same classification until three months after the date of the failed examination.

(b) A person shall be considered a new applicant each time he or she applies to take an examination, and he or she shall file an application setting forth the information specified in G.S. 87-42 and Rules .0201 and .0202 of the Subchapter and pay the required application and examination fee.  Application forms may be found on the Board’s website at

Statutory Authority G.S. 87-42; 87-43.3; 87-43.4;
Eff. October 1, 1988;
Amended Eff. July 1, 2016; July 1, 2011; January 1, 2006.

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